LadyJ Marketing

Internet Marketing Tips & Tricks
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a woman's hand on top of a laptop computer next to a notepad with the words social media marketing boot camp
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How To Do Internet Marketing Effectively Learning How To Do Internet Marketing correctly is an effective & economical way to establish your brand online and build a list of loyal fans. This post shares some great information on how to do just that! #LadyJ #InternetMarketing #Tips
a bee flying over a purple flower with the words proven attraction marketing system uncovered
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The Internet & social media have changed marketing forever. An attraction marketing system attracts your ideal customer making sales easy and fun. #LadyJ
the 3 c's of internet marketing content traffic capture lead creatively create traffic
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How Does Internet Marketing Work? There's quite a bit of confusion surrounding this question and this article does a great job of explaining it. #LadyJ
the key to your online success
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Keywords and Their Effect on Your Online Success - Part 2: Keyword research is conducted to judge the effectiveness of keywords you may want to target. IT IS VITAL TO YOUR ONLINE SUCCESS! A little investigation can uncover and help you decide what keywords and terms are worth going after. Are you going after "Golden Keywords"? Keywords that will bring a steady, stream of FREE traffic & leads to your site? If not, click the link below.
a woman smiling with the words why is keyword research important to your online success?
Would you like to have a FREE stream of visitors to your site that are interested in what your product & services? Then you need to check out this video! It talks about a strategy that is able to dramatically improve your online marketing efforts. Keyword research makes sure your content gets in front of your ideal prospect as opposed to lost on the net. It is a practice that will help you locate and focus on words & key phrases most probably to connect with your niche and help you achieve your goals. Wanna learn more? You know what to do. :)
a person is chained to a chain with the caption's information below it
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#Internal #backlinks navigate to info on the same site. They make it easier to navigate around the site. #LadyJ
a laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to a mouse and keyboard with the words 10 white maintenance fixes you need to know
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10 Website Maintenance Fixes You Need to Know All website maintenance should start with an audit. A website audit checks your site ensuring it’s SEO-friendly and gives visitors a great user experience.
a person holding a red sign with the words blog on it
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Do you want a few tips on how to blog successfully? This short post shares 12 terrific tips that will put you on the road to blogging success! Enjoy. #LadyJ
a woman with her arms crossed standing in front of a green background and the words website adult
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LadyJ's Website Audit is a Professional Review and Analysis of your site. It will uncover issues that may be negatively impacting your rankings and UX! #LadyJ
a bunch of flowers with the words kindless can change a life written in black
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An act of kindness can change a life in ways you may never know. It creates a ripple effect that can change someone’s life forever. #LadyJ
an effective content marketing plan is shown in this graphic above it are the steps to buying cycle
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Build An Effective Content Marketing Plan Building a content marketing plan is important but it shouldn't be a struggle. I have a few suggestions that will make the process easier and more fun! #LadyJ
a computer screen with the words invest in tracking and measuring your online presence, ranks, and traffic
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Invest in Tracking and Measuring Your Online Presence, Rankings, and Traffic An accurate website traffic metrics system will enable you to gain valuable insights allowing you to optimize your website for lead & sales conversion. #LadyJ
a person holding a cell phone in front of a laptop with the text make guest posting worth your time with these 4 tips
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Make Guest Posting Worth Your Time with these 4 Tips Guest posting is an effective way of getting traffic to your website and is a great source of targeted traffic. Do it effectively with these 4 terrific tips! #LadyJ
the words content marketing plan lays the foundation for your online success
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A content marketing plan is imperative to your success online. Content will attract targeted traffic to your site interested in what you have to offer. #LsdyJ
a man in a suit and tie is pointing to the sky with two bubbles above his head
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Local Buzz - Local Search is on the Rise Local Buzz will optimize your presence locally making your business searchable and increasing its visibility online. #LadyJ