Ron Thiessen, The Change Evolutionist

Resolving Conflicts, Building Teams, Enhancing Productivity and Focus

Welcome! I'm Ron.

With decades of experience as a psychologist and speaker, I bring a unique blend of training, expertise, and intuitive discernment to your workplace. I specialize in quickly getting to the root of the problem to resolve conflicts, promote collaboration, and increase productivity and performance.

I’ve been doing this for over thirty years, helping countless organizations transform their team dynamics and re-energize their business to exceed their goals.

My approach is deeply rooted in understanding the human heart, mind, and spirit connection and creating cohesive, purpose-driven teams. I do this by implementing strategies that prioritize healthy workplace environments, which in turn promote thriving, unstoppable businesses.

To Know Where You’re Going, You Need to Know What You Stand For

I’m a firm believer in the value of personal mission. It provides clarity, direction, and purpose, guiding both individuals and organizations toward meaningful goals. It enhances motivation, focus, and productivity, leading to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

For organizations, a clear mission statement builds a cohesive culture and strong brand identity, and for individuals, it supports informed decision-making and continuous personal growth.

A well-defined mission aligns actions with core values, driving success and resilience.

My Personal Mission

“To inspire, educate, and empower people and organizations to achieve their peak potential in human communication and life purpose, through evolutionary change.”

Sustainable Success: Stories of Growth and Adaptation

Transforming International Dynamics: Streamlining Operations for Greater Profits

An international transportation company was experiencing a significant disconnect between its three major departments that was causing operational strain and inefficiencies.

To address this, I brought the VPs and Directors of the three departments together for a series of targeted, intuitive sessions. By crafting insightful questions and facilitating interdepartmental discussions, I helped them uncover the root causes of their disconnection.

Through these guided conversations, the leaders identified overlapping tasks and developed strategies to streamline processes and share workloads more effectively. This collaborative effort led to leaner operations, improved team cohesion, and ultimately, greater profits for the company.

Revitalizing Healthcare Leadership: From Burnout to Empowerment and Collaboration

Corporate directors in the healthcare sector were struggling to boost employee productivity post-COVID, amid rapidly increasing employee demands.

During our discussions, I discerned that the core issue was burnout among the directors themselves. This insight shifted our focus to self-care, mindfulness, and connecting to spiritual energy.

By incorporating these elements, we transformed the directors' mindsets, enabling them to return to their organizations with renewed energy and perspective. Empowered to delegate more effectively, they fostered a collaborative, "we're in this together" mentality, which ultimately revitalized their teams and improved productivity.

Bridging Borders: Resolving Miscommunication in a Global Multi-Media Company

An international multi-media company was grappling with miscommunication among its departments spread across various countries and speaking multiple languages. This discontent was further compounded by confusion over pay structures and differing work styles, significantly impacting productivity.

I stepped in to facilitate a comprehensive discussion aimed at resolving these issues. Collaborating with key stakeholders, I helped compile a list of problems, highlighting the five most critical ones.

Through strategic discussions, I guided the team in developing actionable solutions to address these challenges. My facilitation fostered a collaborative environment that not only resolved the immediate issues but also enhanced interdepartmental communication and streamlined productivity across the company.

Remote and In-Person Training and Facilitation

Distance is not a barrier to accessing my expertise. Through virtual meetings and digital platforms, I seamlessly deliver remote training and facilitation services that rival in-person engagements. Whether you're across the country or on the other side of the globe, I ensure that distance does not compromise the quality or effectiveness of my services.

Client Referrals

The late Leon Fontaine, Springs Church

“Ron brings an intuitive, analytical approach to problem-solving. He makes the complex simple, and shows you how to accurately diagnose problems and put a plan together to effect true, lasting change.”

The Human Being Project Podcast

Together with my daughter, Janelle Thiessen, we explore ways to make space for more being and less doing. We focus on spiritual energy, intuition, and the relationship between heart and mind. In each episode, we aim to discover ways we as individuals can impact the world through our conscious doing.

Human Being Project E1: Who Are You Trying to Impress Anyway? with Ron & Janelle Thiessen
Human Being Project E2: Your Presence is Your Purpose with Debb Latwat
Human Being Project E3: How To Master The Art Of Letting Go (When You're Ready) with Ron & Janelle Thiessen
Human Being Project Podcast E4: Change Is Happening For You with Ron & Janelle

Ready for change? Let’s talk!