When Should You Replace The AC Filter

Keeping an air conditioner running at peak performance is essential to comfort and energy efficiency. One thing that can help maintain the health of your system is regularly replacing the air filter. But when do you need to change it? It can vary depending on several factors, so let’s explore the details. 

How Often? 

The frequency with which you should replace your filter depends on several factors, including whether or not you have pets, how many people live in the home, and if anyone has allergies or asthma. Generally speaking, you should change your filter every two months if there are no pets or allergies. If pets or allergies are present in the home, change them every 30 days. 

What Type of Filter Should I Use? 

Not all filters are created equal, and choosing the right one will depend on your needs. The most common filters are fibreglass, pleated paper, … continue reading

How to Choose the Perfect 24-Hour Plumbing Services

24 hour emergency plumbing Check out a 24 Hour Emergency Plumber

We all have our fair share of bad experiences in the past, be it at the salon, from a lawn service, or even a restaurant and so on. What we usually do is just charge it to a bad experience and not let it ruin our day. Then, be out on the lookout once again for a reputable plumber that can do the plumbing job right.

We all can’t afford a learning curve when it involves big investments like the ones relating to your home or vehicles. For instance, a lousy 24-hour plumber will cost you thousands of dollars and render your home unlivable for a while, aside from the obvious bad experience you just went through. As a precaution, is it wise and practical to go looking for a good and dependable 24-hour plumber even before the need for their 24-hour plumbing … continue reading

HVAC Systems Important Role in Indoor Air Quality

indoor air quality

More than one study suggests that the quality of the air you breathe inside your home may be several times worse than the quality of the air outside of it. This fact surprises many people because they think that four walls and a roof will keep them safe from outside pollutants. The problem is many more pollutants originate and are in more substantial concentrations inside of your home. Before you run down to your local superstore and buy a tent to live in, there are some things you can do to combat this indoor air quality problem in your home, and it all starts with selecting the correct type of heating system.

The primary goal for your home is to combine good insulation and energy efficiency with excellent air quality; it is the latter that many people neglect. It makes one wonder why breathing good air should be as important … continue reading

Filters and Allergies

Installing the right air filter for your HVAC system has its perks. For one, it will help you save money and energy, avoid expensive and inconvenient breakdowns.  Furthermore, it could extend the life of your home heating system. Finally, it may also prevent you furnace from breaking down.

Most air filters are disposable, thus making it easier for you to keep track of their cleanliness and maintenance. There are also inexpensive ones, but we must remember that we must keep in mind the quality and not only the price when looking for filters. Problems that could mean you’re using the wrong air filter or not changing it regularly (every three months) include high utility bills, low indoor air quality, and an uncomfortable home.

Suppose your heating, cooling and air conditioning system, also known as an HVAC system, is not correctly and regularly maintained. In that case, there might be a … continue reading

Central Air Frameworks

central air conditioner contractor

Do you ever wonder what the end result for all the residue that moves beyond your stopped up AC channels is? It ends up gathering in the ventilation work. A development of residue can be aggravated by ventilation work that is too little for the limit of your aeration and cooling system. Channels that are now excessively tight can turn out to be effortlessly stopped up.

Particularly, in case you’re in a more established building, it’s likewise not unbelievable for rodents, flying creatures or creepy crawlies to assemble settles in HVAC pipes. The dividers of the ventilation work can likewise create gaps or splits where air spills out. These ventilation work issues prompt decreased wind current for warming and aerating and cooling. It’s simple (and typically free) to have your ventilation work reviewed to check whether a decent cleaning can take care of your issues.

Another simple fix is to … continue reading

HVAC – A Contributor in High Utility Bills

cost of heating home

We tend to disregard the fact that despite turning off our HVAC equipment, will still draw power and thus contribute to energy consumption. It may simply draw small amounts of energy but if it persists, this gradual energy problem called “vampire energy” will result in the skyrocketing of your utility bills.

You can decrease warmth and power costs by taking a good look at your home and unplugging anything that is not in use. If it is an issue for you, you can connect things to a surge electrical extension and turn them off when you’re not using it.

Higher utility costs are not the only considerations as the season changes.  If your HVAC system works too hard, it may break down. It is for this reason that we should be aware of the considerable number of changes in the conduct of our HVAC systems. The mere inconsistencies in … continue reading

A Guide to Purchasing a High Efficiency Heating System

Heating Cost Comparison

Getting your home’s comfort systems can be pretty daunting for some consumers.  It is not as simple as entering a store and getting what you like based on what you see.  Purchasing a high efficiency heating system requires a lot more than just looking through a selection of gadgets and choosing what appeals to you most.  In fact, there are so many things to consider before you should finalize your purchase.  If you are one of the many consumers that needs help in getting the right high efficiency heating system for your home, then all you need to do is read on to find out more about what you need to know about your heating system.

Efficiency Ratings

One of the basic things you need to know when acquiring your home’s heating system is the efficiency rating of the equipment you are about to purchase.  There is a standard set … continue reading

How to Choose the Right Furnace

how to choose the right furnace

When you come home to an ever-increasingly cold house, you know it’s about time to buy a new furnace. That being said there’s a big difference between knowing you need a furnace and knowing which model is right for you. There are a number of factors to take into account and this furnace buying guide will help you narrow the furnace company  market down until the spotlight shines down from the heavens on the unit that is your perfect soulmate…for the next 15 years or so.

Decide What Furnace Components You Need

If you or a professional that you brought in made the executive decision that your existing furnace is officially referred to in the past tense, the first step before heading out to a furnace company is to decide what all you need. If the life of a furnace is 10-15 years but yours unfortunately met its early … continue reading

Combat Dry Winter Skin with an In-Home Humidifier System

Thoughts of winter season often bring about images of chapped lips and dry, cracked painful skin. Though snow topped mountains are beautiful, the cold air can quickly remove all moisture from your skin, leading you to itch, scratch, and feel uncomfortable all winter long. The solution, however, is quite a simple one! Leading plumbing professionals can visit your home and install a humidifier into your HVAC system.

The Damage Caused by Cold & Dry Air

A dry-air environment with low humidity levels indoors can be cause for concern for a number of reasons. For one, dry air can cause your skin to dry out, itch, and peel. In fact, your skin can become infected if you don’t treat your dry skin. Additionally, when flu season comes around, your home is more likely to be at risk due to the low indoor humidity.

Dry air can be a burden on asthma … continue reading

Keep Warm by Preparing for Winter Storms

how to prepare for winter storm

When it comes to harsh weather, there are many parts in Canada that struggle with this. The best advice is to be prepared prior to storm season. Each area has its own storm season so find out what it is for your area and plan ahead.  Here are some important things to keep in mind when preparing for a winter storm.

Believe it or not, the safest place for you to be during a storm is generally in your own house. It can be treacherous to travel and winds can be frigid causing skin damage and frostbite. Prepare your home before storm season by taking the proper steps to ensure that your home is safe and warm.

Winterize your home. Clean the chimney. Tune up your furnace. Add in more insulation. Seal gaps in windows and in the doors. Seal gaps in the ductwork. Install storm windows. Install storm doors. … continue reading

Using The Internet to Find an HVAC Professional

Where do you typically go when you are looking for help with your HVAC system? Although it helps to already have a good relationship with a professional, qualified HVAC company so you do not face problems in an emergency, it is not always possible and you need to start somewhere. Some people may wait until it is an emergency before finding a technician. In other situations, their preferred technician may have moved, retired, or is just unavailable. No matter the reason, you will inevitably reach a point where you need a new Air Conditioning technician. Of course, the Internet is one of the best places to find a new technician.

Find Help Online for Your HVAC System

Previously, there were many avenues for finding heating and air conditioning technicians. Word of mouth was often essential for finding a good technician and that method is still important. When a … continue reading