10+ Years Experience

10+ Years Experience

At Paint4You, we provide exceptional painting and stucco removal services in the Oshawa and surrounding areas.  Our services include interior & exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, drywall installation and repair, and flooring installation.

We take pride in our work and always go the extra mile to ensure our clients are happy with the end result. We proudly serve Bowmanville, Courtice, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering, and the surrounding areas.

At Paint4You, we provide exceptional interior and exterior painting services, as well as stucco removal services to the Oshawa and surrounding areas. 

Painter in Oshawa

We go above and beyond for all of our customers

At Paint4You we strive to provide you with the best service possible. We strive to provide honest, reliable, residential and commercial painting services that stand head and shoulders above the rest. We combine the industry's best paint with our passion for detail to exceed your expectations.

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house painters


Services we provide


We provide professional interior and exterior painting services that will help you breathe new life into your home. Whether you're looking to just change colours or do a full renovation, we can get the job done quickly and efficiently. We take pride in our work and always aim to exceed expectations. Contact us today for a free quote!


Tired of your popcorn ceilings? Update your space with our popcorn ceiling removal service! We can help you remove the popcorn ceiling and give you a smooth, updated finish. Our professional team will work diligently to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so you can enjoy your new space in no time. Give us a call today to get started!


Are you looking to maximize the selling price for your clients and shorten the days on market? Realtor staging painting is the perfect solution! Our professional team will work with you to create a space that buyers will fall in love with, helping you get the best return on investment. Ready to get started? Contact us today!


Not enough time before your move-in date to do a painting job yourself? Don't worry - call us and we'll take care of it in a fast and professional way. You'll be able to relax and focus on the important things, like getting your furniture set up in your new home.


Need to fix a hole in your wall? Or maybe you're renovating and need to have new drywall installed? Our experienced professionals are here to help. We'll take care of everything for you, from fixing the holes to installing the new drywall. We'll make sure your walls look as good as new.


Looking for a professional flooring installation? Look no further than our team of experts! We can install laminate, vinyl and hardwood flooring quickly and efficiently, so you can enjoy your new floors sooner rather than later. Contact us today to get started!


Services we provide


We provide professional interior and exterior painting services that will help you breathe new life into your home. Whether you're looking to just change colours or do a full renovation, we can get the job done quickly and efficiently. We take pride in our work and always aim to exceed expectations. Contact us today for a free quote!



Tired of your popcorn ceilings? Update your space with our popcorn ceiling removal service! We can help you remove the popcorn ceiling and give you a smooth, updated finish. Our professional team will work diligently to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so you can enjoy your new space in no time. Give us a call today to get started!



Are you looking to maximize the selling price for your clients and shorten the days on market? Realtor staging painting is the perfect solution! Our professional team will work with you to create a space that buyers will fall in love with, helping you get the best return on investment. Ready to get started? Contact us today!


Not enough time before your move-in date to do a painting job yourself? Don't worry - call us and we'll take care of it in a fast and professional way. You'll be able to relax and focus on the important things, like getting your furniture set up in your new home.


Need to fix a hole in your wall? Or maybe you're renovating and need to have new drywall installed? Our experienced professionals are here to help. We'll take care of everything for you, from fixing the holes to installing the new drywall. We'll make sure your walls look as good as new.


Looking for a professional flooring installation? Look no further than our team of experts! We can install laminate, vinyl and hardwood flooring quickly and efficiently, so you can enjoy your new floors sooner rather than later. Contact us today to get started!



For many homeowners, popcorn ceilings are a source of frustration. They can be difficult to clean and often collect dust, cobwebs, and other debris. In addition, popcorn ceilings can make a room look dated and can be difficult to paint. As a result, many homeowners choose to remove popcorn ceilings in order to update the look of their home. 

While popcorn ceiling removal can be a messy and time-consuming process, the results are often worth the effort. A smooth, new ceiling will not only be easier to keep clean, but will also provide a fresh, modern look for your home. So if you're considering popcorn ceiling removal, it's likely that the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks.


Popcorn ceilings were once a popular style choice for many homeowners. However, over time they can become stained and discolored, making them an eyesore. If you’re considering popcorn ceiling removal, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, popcorn ceilings are attached to the ceiling joists with a series of staples or nails. As a result, removing the popcorn can be a time-consuming and tedious process. Second, popcorn ceilings often contain asbestos fibers, which can be harmful if inhaled. As a result, it’s important to take proper safety precautions when removing popcorn ceilings.

Lastly, popcorn ceilings can be difficult to patch, so it’s important to have a plan in place for repairing any damage that may occur during the removal process. With careful planning and preparation, popcorn ceiling removal can be a relatively straightforward project.


Popcorn ceiling removal is a cumbersome and messy job. And once you’ve popcorn ceiling removal, you still have to deal with the popcorn texture on the ceiling. So what’s the best way to cover popcorn ceilings without popcorn ceiling removal? One option is to use a textured paint roller.

This will help to camouflage the popcorn texture and give your ceiling a smooth, finished look. Another option is popcorn ceiling tiles. These are easy to install and can be found in a variety of colors and styles. Plus, they provide an added layer of insulation, which can help to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. So if you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to cover popcorn ceilings, consider using textured paint rollers or popcorn ceiling tiles.


Homeowners are always looking for ways to increase the value of their property. Whether it’s making cosmetic updates or undertaking major renovations, there are many ways to add value to a home. One project that has become increasingly popular in recent years is popcorn ceiling removal.

While popcorn ceilings were once a popular design feature, they have since fallen out of favor. Many home buyers view popcorn ceilings as an eyesore, and they may be willing to pay more for a home that doesn’t have them. In addition, popcorn ceiling removal can be a relatively inexpensive and easy project to undertake. As such, it’s worth considering if you’re looking for ways to boost your home’s value.


Popcorn ceilings were once a popular design feature in homes, but they have since fallen out of favor. Not only are they difficult to keep clean, but they also tend to collect dust and cobwebs. If you’re tired of your popcorn ceiling, there are a few ways to smooth it out.

One option is to use a special popcorn ceiling spray. This can be found at most home improvement stores and will help to adhesion the popcorn to the ceiling. Another option is to use a putty knife to scrape off the popcorn. This will take some time and effort, but it will give you a smooth ceiling in the end. Whichever method you choose, be sure to wear a dust mask and protective eyewear to avoid making a mess.


A popcorn ceiling is a textured ceiling finish made by spraying a stucco-like substance onto the ceiling. The finish was popular in the 1970s and 1980s, but has since fallen out of favor due to the effort required to maintain it. Some popcorn ceilings also contain asbestos, which can be harmful if the fibers are inhaled.

However, not all popcorn ceilings contain asbestos. In fact, many newer popcorn ceilings are made from safer materials that do not pose a health risk. If you are unsure whether your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos, you can contact a professional for testing. However, it is generally safe to assume that any popcorn ceiling over 20 years old contains asbestos.


Popcorn ceiling, also known as textured ceiling, was once a very popular feature in homes. It was thought to add visual interest and texture to otherwise plain ceilings. However, popcorn ceiling has fallen out of favor in recent years, due in part to the difficulty of cleaning and repairing it. As a result, many homeowners are left wondering whether it is OK to drywall over popcorn ceiling. The answer is yes, you can drywall over popcorn ceiling, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, popcorn ceiling is often made with asbestos, which can be hazardous if disturbed. As a result, it is important to have your popcorn ceiling tested for asbestos before starting any work. Second, popcorn ceiling is not always attached securely to the joists, so be sure to check for loose pieces before attaching the drywall. With these considerations in mind, you can successfully complete your drywalling project without having to remove the popcorn ceiling first.


Popcorn ceiling, also known as a textured ceiling, is a type of finish applied to ceilings in order to hide imperfections and add visual interest. While popcorn ceilings were once very popular, they have fallen out of favor in recent years. If you’re looking to change your popcorn ceiling to a more modern look, here are a few things you need to know.

First, you’ll need to remove all of the popcorn from the ceiling. This can be a messy and time-consuming process, so it’s important to be patient and take your time. Once all of the popcorn has been removed, you’ll need to sand the ceiling smooth. This will help to create a nice, even surface for painting. Finally, you’ll need to apply a primer and paint of your choice. Once dry, your new flat ceiling will be ready for enjoy!


Interior painting is defined as the painting of the interior surfaces of a building, including walls, ceilings, and trim. It is sometimes referred to as decorating or wallpapering. Interior painting can be done for both aesthetic and functional purposes.

Aesthetically, interior painting can be used to brighten up a room or create a certain ambiance. Functionally, interior painting can be used to protect surfaces from wear and tear, or to cover up cracks and other imperfections. Whether you are looking to improve the look of your home or office, or you need to protect your investment, interior painting is a great option.


If you’re planning on painting the interior of a room, there are a few things you’ll need to do to prep the space first. Start by removing all of the furniture from the room. If you can’t move it all out, just push it to the center of the room and cover it with drop cloths.

Next, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to remove any dust or dirt from the walls, floor, and ceiling. Once that’s done, wash the walls with a mild soap or detergent to remove any remaining dirt or grease. Finally, allow the walls to dry completely before starting to paint. By taking these steps, you’ll ensure that your paint job turns out looking great.


Painting is often seen as a way to freshen up a room, but it can also be a great way to protect your walls from damage. Whether you’re painting the interior of your home or the exterior, there are a few things you should do to prepare the wall before you start painting. For interior painting, you’ll want to remove all furniture from the room and cover floors with drop cloths.

You’ll also want to remove any outlet covers and switch plates. Once the room is empty, you can start cleaning the walls with a damp cloth. It’s important to remove any dirt, grease, or dust before painting, otherwise it will show through the paint. For exterior painting, you’ll want to pressure wash the wall to remove any dirt or debris. You may also need to repair any cracks or holes before painting. Once the wall is clean and smooth, you can start painting!


When it comes to interior painting, there are a few things to consider. First, you need to decide what colour you want. Second, you need to take into account the overall design of your house. And third, you need to make sure that the colour you choose will complement the furniture and fixtures in your home. With so many colours to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your home. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help you make the right choice.

For instance, if you want your home to feel warm and inviting, then choosing a light or neutral colour is a good idea. On the other hand, if you want your home to feel more formal or stylish, then choosing a darker colour is a better option. Additionally, it’s important to consider the overall design of your house when choosing a paint colour. For example, if your house has a lot of traditional features, then painting it a bright or bold colour may not be the best idea. Instead, opting for a more subdued shade will help to accentuate the features of your home.


When it comes to interior painting, preparation is key. That’s why professional painters always start by washing the walls. This helps to remove any dirt, dust, or cobwebs that could interfere with the paint job. It also gives the painter a chance to inspect the walls for any cracks or other damage that might need to be repaired before painting begins.

Once the walls are clean and dry, the painter can then proceed with applying the primer and paint. So whether you’re hiring a professional painter or tackling the job yourself, be sure to wash the walls first!


When it comes to interior painting, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether you should paint the ceiling or walls first. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for you and your project. Some painters prefer to start with the ceiling because they feel it is easier to avoid drips and streaks when painting downward.

Other painters prefer to start with the walls because they find it easier to tape off the edges and avoid getting paint on the ceiling. Whichever approach you choose, just be sure to take your time and work carefully to ensure a professional-looking finish.


One of the most common questions that homeowners have about interior painting is whether they can simply paint over old paint. The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including the type of paint that was used originally and the condition of the existing paint. If the original paint was an oil-based paint, then it is not advisable to try to paint over it with a water-based paint.

This is because the two types of paint will not adhere properly to each other, and the results will be an uneven finish. Additionally, if the existing paint is in poor condition (peeling, chipping, etc.), it is also not advisable to try to paint over it. In this case, it is best to remove all of the old paint before applying new paint. However, if the original paint was a water-based paint and is in good condition, then it should be possible to successfully paint over it with another layer of water-based paint.


Choosing the right paint for your ceiling can be a tricky task. There are a variety of factors to consider, including the type of paint, the colour, and the finish. However, with a little bit of research, you can find the perfect paint for your ceilings. For interior painting, matte or eggshell paints are typically the best choice.

These finishes help to hide imperfections and allow the Ceiling to breathe. When it comes to color, white is always a safe bet. However, if you want to add a bit of personality to your space, light blue or green can be beautiful choices. Whatever color you choose, be sure to test it in a small area before painting the entire ceiling. With the right paint, you can create a beautiful and inviting space.

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1019 Roseheath St, Oshawa, ON L1K 2P9

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Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

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1019 Roseheath St, Oshawa, ON L1K 2P9

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

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