Therapists in Edmonton, AB

A Place Of Healing, Self-Discovery & Growth

Welcome to Equinox Therapeutic.

Our team of psychologists and counsellors are dedicated to helping you make positive changes in your life.

Make positive changes in your life.

Our Edmonton based team, which includes Registered Psychologists and Mental Health Therapists, provides expertise in the following areas:

Our evidence-based trauma therapy helps individuals overcome the challenges of their past and move toward a brighter future. Our Registered Psychologists and counsellors provide therapeutic services for a variety of issues, including trauma, depression, anxiety, and life transitions.

Anger can be a challenging emotion to manage. Our team offers cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and many other techniques and modalities to help you gain control and ultimately live a more peaceful life.

We provide therapy and counselling to support individuals struggling with depression and anxiety. Our approach is focused on promoting mental health and well-being.

Relationships can be complex, and our counselling psychologists offer therapy to help couples navigate through challenges, rebuild trust, and strengthen their bond.

Family therapy is a vital service that our psychologists provide to support families in resolving conflicts, improving communication, and fostering healthier relationships

Experience the healing power of equine-assisted therapy. Our therapists partner up with horses to facilitate a therapeutic experience promoting growth, self-awareness, and emotional regulation.

Get Started Today

To figure out if therapy is right for you, talk to one of our registered psychologists or counsellors.

Ready For Change?

If you are ready to take the first step towards positive change, book an appointment with one of our Registered Psychologists or therapist team members in our team of psychologists in West Edmonton, in the Crowsnest Pass, or online from anywhere in Alberta. Our counselling services are near you, and we are ready to help.

We acknowledge that Equinox Therapeutic and its team are located on Treaty 6 territory – a traditional home and gathering place for many diverse Indigenous peoples.  We respect the invaluable role that these peoples have played as caretakers of this beautiful land, as well as their histories, languages, and cultures that continue to enrich our community. 

Featured Posts

Psychology, wellness, and self-improvement insights from our team.

How Yoga Benefits Mental Health | Equinox Therapeutic

How yoga benefits your mental health

Break The Cycle Of Negative Thinking

4 simple techniques to break the cycle of negative thinking