Nastaran Ali Azizi - Insight Mind Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy Services in Toronto

Are you battling intrusive thoughts, fluctuating emotions, or actions that are affecting your joy and interpersonal connections? In search of a reliable PTSD solution in Toronto?

Embark on a transformative path with Toronto's Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services. Initiate your journey toward recovery today—reach out for specialized assistance in addressing PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, among other concerns. Await your personal transformation!

For Adults

You can call our highly experienced clinical team if you  or family is going through difficulties.

For Adolescents

Screen addiction
Anger management
Anxiety disorders
Personality Disorders
Assertiveness training

Suicidal ideations

For Children

Individual counselling sessions in Toronto for children to help with:

Autism Spectrum Disorders
School related difficulties

Therapies & Treatments

Trauma is a term used to describe an emotional or psychological response to a distressing or disturbing event.

Anxiety disorders are mental health conditions characterized that can interfere with daily life.

It is a mental health disorder that causes a persistent feeling a variety of physical and emotional symptoms.

It is a process of learning ways to recognize the signs of anger and control it in a healthy way.

It refers to any problems between people who are in any relationship.

They are complex mental health conditions that can impact a person’s thoughts and behaviors.

It is a mental health condition characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance.

Your health is your most important asset. You should entrust it only to the best professionals.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after someone experiences or witnesses a traumatic event.


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of mental illness that involves recurring, unwanted thoughts and/or repetitive behaviors or routines.

Your health is your most important asset. You should entrust it only to the best professionals.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after someone experiences or witnesses a traumatic event.

What We Do

At Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services, we deliver an all-encompassing mental wellness solution that emphasizes teamwork and places your needs at the forefront of our therapeutic approach. Our service streamlines the process of matching you with an ideal therapist, customized to meet your specific needs, while also offering essential psychiatric consultations as necessary. We foster a comprehensive care model by synergizing the skills of your therapist and psychiatrist, crafting a robust and effective strategy for your mental health journey. Additionally, we ensure consistent communication with your primary care physician, promoting better integrated care and a unified approach to your wellness.

Enhancing Mental Wellness with Targeted PTSD Care and Professional Support for Anxiety

Tailored Support for PTSD and Anxiety: Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services extends a comprehensive range of mental health services, including thorough assessments, guidance on medication management, and custom psychotherapy designed for PTSD and anxiety challenges. Benefit from the dedicated support of your psychotherapist during psychiatric evaluations, empowering and uplifting you throughout your treatment for PTSD.

Streamlined Care with Digital Mental Health Experts: Our innovative approach incorporates Virtual Mental Health Physicians, fostering a cohesive collaboration with your psychotherapist. This integration eliminates unnecessary travel and reduces the frequency of in-person consultations, thereby accelerating your treatment process. Embrace a more efficient and convenient pathway to overcoming PTSD and anxiety, prioritizing your mental health and time.

Immigrants and Refugees - IFHP coverage

“I came to Canada as a refugee. What mental health services can I get?”

The Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) covers certain health care benefits for specific groups of people until they become eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance, such as:

  • protected people, including resettled refugees,
  • refugee claimants, and
  • certain other groups.

You can call our highly experienced clinical team If you are immigrant or refugee.

Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services provides a comprehensive array of mental health services, including:

Anxiety disorders
Anger Management

Welcome To Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services

Expert Psychotherapists beside you.

Navigating the complexities of mental illness and addiction can be an arduous and distressing path. We understand the distinctiveness of each person’s journey and emphasize the importance of a comprehensive diagnosis and flexible treatment strategy in the pursuit of successful recovery, especially in the context of PTSD treatment and Psychotherapist for PTSD and anxiety support.

Psychology Today
College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CPRO)

Optimizing Wellbeing with Specialized PTSD Treatment and Psychotherapist for PTSD and Anxiety

Research in psychology underscores the profound impact that interaction with nature has on enhancing mental faculties and fostering overall mental health, encompassing emotional, psychological, and social well-being. On a personal note, I’ve discovered that being in the midst of nature allows for a profound self-connection and fosters a strong sense of belonging. To support my holistic health, I’ve established an indoor garden, which acts as a gentle nudge to take a moment, reflect, and partake in activities that resonate with my fundamental beliefs. This practice is particularly valuable when navigating PTSD treatment and collaborating with a Psychotherapist for PTSD and anxiety management

Take the First Step to Help

Call Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services Now

Case Studies

Get Free Consultation

To initiate your PTSD treatment journey or any other mental disorders with a skilled Psychotherapist for PTSD and anxiety and other mental disorders, start with a complimentary 15-minute consultation.

If we find that we are a good fit, you can schedule your therapy sessions with us.

Don’t hesitate to complete the form, and rest assured, we’ll promptly prioritize your inquiry and get back to you.

EMDR Therapy: Effective Treatment for Trauma, Phobia, Depression, and More

Experience the transformative power of EMDR therapy, a potent psychotherapy technique proven effective in addressing Trauma (PTSD), Phobia, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and other mental disorders. This therapy enables individuals to process painful experiences swiftly, achieving resolution in a shorter time compared to traditional methods. Endorsed by prestigious organizations like the World Health Organization and the American Psychological Association, EMDR therapy offers relief, healing, and renewed hope for a brighter future.

Our Professional Therapists


Nastaran is a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO). She is the founder and director of Insight Mind Psychotherapy Services.


Rossana is a Registered Psychotherapist (RP) and a member in good standing of the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP).

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