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A Headline
About Wellness

Welcome to Dr. Duncan Day & Associates, Practice in Neuropsychology

It is important to us that we practice in a culturally safe way. We are committed to using a "two-eyed seeing" approach in psychological assessment. We value the wisdom of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities and integrate them into our assessments.

Are you interested in learning about diagnoses? Are you interested in learning about the strengths and weaknesses in a person's thinking skills? Are you interested in learning what types of interventions and supports would be helpful, given someone's experiences and current felt sense? We can help answer questions about what type of assessment might be best for you, and what types of issues are really at the heart of the assessment question you seek.

A neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in studying brain-behaviour relationships. Neuropsychologists have training in the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system and specialize in evaluating (and treating) people . They focus on cognition (the ability to think, remember, learn, etc.) in relation to the effects of brain injury, organic brain disease, or any condition that impacts on cognitive functions.

Full Range of Clinical Psychology Services
to Individuals and Couples

Based in Kingston, Ontario, but boasting a clinic in Trenton as well, we specialize in providing a full range of clinical psychology services to individuals and couples in the South Eastern Ontario region, and also offer comprehensive services to attorneys, insurance companies, rehabilitation services, the Canadian Forces, and others who may be looking for an independent expert opinion with regard to psychological and neuropsychological functioning of their clients and members.