Okotoks Eyecare: Advanced Family Eye Care in Okotoks

Independent Family-Focused Eye Clinic, since 1982

Okotoks Eyecare now a part of FYidoctors is committed to providing you with a great eye care experience from start to finish. Our compassionate staff put your needs first, seeing you as a person rather than just a patient. We value medical and optical expertise, investing heavily in continuing education and additional training for our doctors and team.

As part of our commitment to your eye health, we have invested in advanced diagnostic and monitoring technology. With the help of these tools, our team can prevent, detect, and manage various eye conditions, ranging from digital eye strain to glaucoma. This means reliable testing, faster screening and detection, and meaningful solutions for your ocular health and vision.

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Say Goodbye to
Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a common eye condition that affects millions worldwide, and each with their own specific symptom that irritates the eyes. To help, Okotoks Eyecare has adopted a range of leading dry eye solutions to get our patients back to comfortably enjoying their eyesight.

Some treatments include medical therapy, at home treatment options, and in-office treatments such as radio frequency and intense pulsed light, to name a few. If you are looking for meaningful dry eye relief, please give our team a call today. We look forward to serving you!

Dry Eye Therapy

Find Your New Favourite Glasses Here

Our eyewear gallery has been carefully and thoughtfully curated with brands that we love and support. We love to carry independent eyewear brands wherever possible-we know you will love our brands too! Our handcrafted and unique glasses collection offers endless possibilities to fit your personal style preference. Put a new spin on your signature look with eyewear from Face a Face, Kate Spade and LA Eyeworks, and so much more. Stop by our space for a personalized shopping experience with one of our opticians! They would be more than happy to provide you with the best possible solutions for your eye care needs.

On-Site Edging Lab

Okotoks Eyecare has an edging lab for quicker turnaround times. Our on-site lab allows us to get your eyewear back to you faster than if we had to send your glasses out to be made. When you shop with us, you are not just getting amazing quality eyewear, you are also getting convenience.


201 Southridge Dr Suite 303
Okotoks, AB T1S 2E1

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Please note: We are closed on Saturdays of long weekends.

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