Fueling Healthy Minds And Bodies With Real Ingredients
Fueling Healthy Minds And Bodies With Real Ingredients
Catering & Delivery For Children

Locally Sourced

Our menus are created with a focus on locally-sourced, seasonal and organic ingredients.

Made Fresh Daily

Each meal is prepared fresh daily and delivered fully prepped and ready to enjoy.

Prompt Delivery

Your food is delivered on time and always at the right temperature.

Pleasing Picky Eaters

Our menus are created with Children's health development, and taste buds in mind.

Get in Touch With Fueling Minds Today!

Food Caterers in Calgary and Saskatoon | Serving Fan Favorites…With a Healthy Twist!

Our 4 week rotating, seasonal menu ensures comprehensive and globally diverse offerings that incorporate wholesome ingredients with a big taste that children crave.

We believe every child is different and that choice is essential.

Building a graduating palette for a lifetime of healthy eating!

With Fueling Minds, you can trust in the following:


Organic, local and environmental product choices made fresh daily


Dedicated focus on customer service


Community involvement and support


Desire to continuously improve our service


Top quality, professional and highly dedicated employees

Healthy, Wholesome Meals for Happy, Healthy Children In Calgary and Saskatoon | School Lunch Delivery Service

Fueling Healthy Minds and Bodies with Real Ingredients

Every parent wants their child to indulge in a healthy diet that fuels growth and development. Parenting is a tough job with a myriad of obligations and you may not always have the time to prepare the meals your child needs. The great news is that as a food caterers in Calgary and Saskatoon, Fueling Minds can support parents by providing nutritious, fresh meals for your children, allowing you and your child to enjoy more valuable time together.

Fueling Minds is a full service catering company and school lunch delivery service provider dedicated to providing healthy food delivery service and balanced meals to children in child care. We understand that organizing quality and balanced meals for your child every day can be the most challenging daily task on a busy parent’s to-do list. That’s why we step in to provide the wholesome and nourishing meals for your child, complete with delivery to your preferred destination.

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