Our quick, effective, painless and permanent hair removal services are designed to eliminate your facial and body hair in as few sessions as possible.

candela gentle yag pro laser hair removal in winnpeg manitoba1

‘‘We believe that helping others is more than creating just a physical change, but also an emotional transformation through self-acceptance and empowerment.’’

Making Hair Removal Simple, Comfortable & Affordable

About Hair removal winnipeg

Hair Removal Winnipeg is committed to providing innovative and safe laser hair removal treatments to residents of Winnipeg, MB. As one of Manitoba’s exclusive operators of the GentleYAG Pro – a state-of-the-art laser hair removal system, we are able to provide superior results for all skin types, so our treatment is for everyone!

Our technicians are certified by the Canadian Laser Institute as Medical Aesthetics & Laser Technicians. We offer free consultations, amazing service and personalized treatments to ensure that each client receives the best possible results. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser treatment is a popular choice for many people looking for a solution to permanently reduce hair growth. It uses high-energy laser beams to target the melanin in the hair follicle, which destroys the hair follicle and prevents regrowth. Laser hair removal is more effective than other hair removal methods, such as shaving, waxing, tweezing, and can be used to quickly & effectively remove hair from large areas of the body. Laser hair removal Winnipeg is safe for all skin types and can be performed on any body treatment area, including full face, chest, underarms, back, lower legs, and sensitive areas such as the bikini line or full brazilian.

How many sessions will i need?

Laser treatments are typically performed every four to six weeks, and most people see permanent hair reduction after three to five sessions. The treatment is quick and easy, and there is no downtime afterward. If you are interested in getting rid of your hair with laser technology, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today to schedule a free consultation. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you achieve the polished, hair-free skin you’ve always wanted.

Discover the many benefits of laser hair removal and say hello to smooth & flawless skin with Hair Removal Winnipeg!

laser hair removal for all skin tones and hair colors hair removal winnipeg manitoba canada

Safe & Effective


It is a safe way to remove unwanted hair on all skin types, permanently.

facial lip laser hair removal winnipeg gentle yag laser

Any Area of Body

Laser can be used on any body part, from the face, chest, to legs, including the bikini area.

brazilian laser hair removal bikini laser hair removal winnipeg

It's pain-free

It is less painful than other hair removal methods, such as waxing or sugaring, and even shaving!

laser hair removal for men hair removal winnipeg

Save Time, Money & Effort

Save time and money from not having to shave or buy razors ever again! Plus, finally say goodbye to ingrown hairs and razor burn.

mens full back laser hair removal in winnipeg1

Zero Downtime

There is no downtime after the treatment, so you can go back to your normal routine immediately.

painless laser hair removal winnipeg manitoba

It's Effective

After your first few sessions, you’ll see a significant reduction in hair growth, and after your total sessions, YES, permanent results!

It is our goal at Hair Removal Winnipeg that everyone who walks through our doors leaves feeling confident and satisfied with their appearance!

Skincare Treatments

Skincare Technicians

Years of Experience

Expectations & Preparation

What to Expect Before/After &
how to prepare?

How to Prepare for Your First Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Before your first treatment, it is essential to consult with a qualified professional to ensure that the treatment is right for you. During your consultation, the laser technician will assess your skin type and talk to you about any medical concerns to determine if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal. Our technician will ask about your medical history, so it helps to have that information ready.

If you are deemed an appropriate candidate, your aesthetic provider will test the laser first. The test will allow them to ensure your skin will not react poorly to the treatment. If you do not qualify for this particular procedure, your provider will discuss other options for resolving unwanted hair.

It is crucial to avoid sun exposure and tanning 2 weeks before your session, as sun exposure can increase the risk of skin damage. It is also recommended that you avoid using any topical products that contain Retin-A, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, exfoliants, or any products with harsh chemicals that could irriate your skin before your treatment.

We recommend shaving 24 hours prior. With a clean shave before your appointment, the lasers will be able to easily locate your hair follicles without wasting energy on hairs that have already grown out.

What to Expect During Your First Laser Hair Removal Treatment

During your first treatment, the laser technician will use a hand-held device to target the laser beam at the treatment area. Laser hair removal with GentleYAG Pro equipment is a gentle procedure. The applicator has a calming cooling feature designed to make the treatment as comfortable as possible.

There will be some heat in the targeted area, but thanks to our real-time cooling system, you won’t feel any discomfort. It’s more like a light snapping sensation against your skin with an elastic band moving around on top as the laser beam hits your skin – not at all harsh or painful! Most people tolerate the treatments well and do not experience any discomfort.

When treating a sensitive area such as the bikini line, you may feel a bit of discomfort. If it is ever too uncomfortable for you, let your provider know and they can adjust the setting accordingly for a better experience.

After Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

After treatment, most patients don’t feel any different and can go on with their day. Some patients experience a bit of sensitivity immediately after their first treatment, such as swelling or redness – but that is normal and will subside after a few hours.

It is important to avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after. It is also recommended that you use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Ensure to gently clean the treated area twice a day.

Avoid applying makeup, lotions, or creams with any perfumes or harsh chemicals that could irritate your skin.

You should also avoid hot showers and baths, saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools, hot tubs, massages, or any treatment that requires direct contact with the skin for the first 2 days after your laser session.

Laser Hair Removal Prices

What is The Cost of laser hair removal in winnipeg?

The laser hair removal cost of your treatments will vary depending on the size and location of the treated area. We offer a “pay-per-treatment” plan to meet your needs, and we will work with you to find a plan that fits your budget. If you are considering laser hair removal, contact Hair Removal Winnipeg for a free consultation. We will give you a stress-free and effective treatment. Plus, you can rely on us to always be here for you to guide you all along your hair removal journey!

best laser hair removal for dark skin hair removal winnipeg

‘‘I love that Hair Removal Winnipeg offer services to dark skinned clients! I’m very satisfied with the service. The laser technicians are super professional and super friendly, always making sure I’m comfortable during the treatment and the results are working right before my eyes. The best thing I did to treat myself! It costs and hurts WAY less than a monthly wax!’’ – Aliya

Why choose Hair Removal Winnipeg laser Centre to remove your unwanted hair

Gentle Series 2

What makes us the best choice

why Hair removal winnipeg

state-of-the-art laser machines

Hair Removal Winnipeg laser centre is the best choice for laser hair removal in Winnipeg, thanks to the latest technology utilized by the GentleYAG Pro. These revolutionary machines are the most powerful and fastest in the market thanks to the 1064nm wavelength, making it perfect for treating a wide range of concerns on all skin types, including darker skin. It also comes with multiple hand-pieces for added convenience, making it easier than ever to achieve the results you desire. So why wait any longer? Give the GentleYAG Pro a try today and see the amazing results for yourself!

canadian laser institute logo

Canadian laser institute certified

We offer superior results at a fair price, and we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible experience and permanent results. We have a team of skilled and extremely friendly technicians dedicated to helping you feel more confident in your natural beauty. Contact our laser centre today to book your free consultation!

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‘‘We feel that everyone should have access to laser hair removal services that are reliable, safe, and cost-effective! That’s why we invested in the best laser equipment on the market to ensure everyone is welcome at our salon. We’re happy to be able to help everyone with all skin tones/types remove their unwanted hair for good.’’

Laser Treatment Method Explained

How does Laser

Hair Removal Work?

What kind of laser do you use at Hair Removal Winnipeg?

The GentleYAG Pro features higher fluences, larger spot sizes, shorter pulse durations, and distinctive cooling protection – making this the most gentle, yet powerful laser to treat each and every skin and hair type.

The wavelengths of this laser can treat a wide variety of skin conditions and skin texture – more than just hair removal! Our laser helps treat wrinkles, spider veins, age spots, freckles, and sun spots on all skin types. With our laser, you will benefit from both skin tightening and skin rejuvenation as an added bonus!

What is the difference between your laser and IPL?

Gentle YAG Pro emits a single, focused wavelength, whereas Intense Pulsed Light is emitted at multiple wavelengths using a broad spectrum of high-intensity light – making GentleYAG much more precise at doing its job.

Because our laser has a more precise wavelength than Intense Pulsed Light, results are achieved with significantly fewer treatments overall and substantially less risk when treating for laser hair removal. IPL only works effectively on lighter skin tones with black hair, and does not have the ability to work on darker skin tones or lighter-colored hairs. The main difference is that our laser has the technology needed to make it possible!

How does the GentleYAG® Pro laser work?

GentleYAG Pro is a safe, effective, and non-invasive cosmetic laser treatment that works on all skin types to remove unwanted hair on the face or body. The laser uses 1064nm of light, which passes through layers of the skin without damaging the upper layer because it only targets lower levels in your complexion – specifically pigment in the root of your hairs!

The laser energy is then converted to heat and breaks apart the hair follicles completely around each individual strand so they don’t produce new cells anymore – causing them to die off, leading you toward sleek results without any pain whatsoever.

The GentleYAG laser is equipped with a patented cooling technology (Dynamic Cooling Device) that sprays the treatment area before each laser pulse with a liquid cryogen coolant. This system provides a cooling protection factor over 50% greater than contact or air cooling, and can be adjusted to our patient’s needs to make the session as comfortable as possible!

The burst of cryogen spray on the upper layer of the skin makes treatments very comfortable for clients, which increases their compliance rate and causes them to experience significant results faster than traditional therapies such as IPL (Intense Pulsed Light).

How long does each treatment session take?

It depends on the size of the area being treated. Small areas can be treated within 5-30 mins, large areas can take 30-60 mins, and full body sessions can take 1-2 hours.

How often do I come in for each laser session?

Our treatments are done 4-6 weeks apart for the face and 4-8 weeks apart for the body.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

You will likely see results immediately after treatment. The results vary from patient to patient depending on the color and thickness of your hair, area being treated, and color of your skin tone. You can expect a 10% – 25% reduction of hair in your first treatment and a 80% reduction of hair by your fourth treatment.

The number of sessions you’ll need to see permanent results depends on the amount and stage/thickness (coarseness) level at which your hair grows. Hair grows at different stages, so you’ll need to undergo a package of treatments. We recommend anywhere from 6-10 treatments to catch them all in the active growth phase and achieve permanent results.

How long will the results of laser treatment last?

After finishing the treatments, most patients do not see any hair on the treated skin for several months to even years! When the hair regrows, there will be less of it. The hairs also tend to be finer and lighter in color.

Clients who receive this procedure are able to avoid regrowth by maintaining an integrity schedule with maintenance sessions throughout the year. Our professional technicians will help you determine how many yearly skin treatments you may need to maintain your silky smooth skin. Most of our patients only need 1-3 yearly maintenance sessions, if they need any at all!

Will laser hair removal hurt?

Laser hair removal can cause some discomfort, but it is generally considered to be a relatively painless procedure.

Before & After Photos

These are very visible results of how laser hair removal works on different parts of the body and face, making it an excellent option for those looking for long-term hair removal. Not just women, but many men enjoy the benefits of our hair removal treatments!

laser hair removal winnipeg chest laser before and after
chin hair removal winnipeg resized
armpit hair removal winnipeg resized

Common misconceptions

Laser Hair Removal Myths

Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses laser energy to destroy hair follicles. Although it is FDA cleared and considered safe, some myths about laser treatment may cause people to hesitate before getting the treatment.

Myth #1 - Its painful...

One common myth is that laser hair removal is painful. However, most people report only mild/minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Myth #2 - Ineffective on dark skin

Another myth is that only light skinned people are good candidates. However, with technological advancements, our device can provide the same permanent results for all skin types, tanned skin included.

Myth #3 - It can cause cancer

Another myth is that laser hair removal can cause cancer. There is no evidence that laser hair removal increases the risk of cancer. Lasers do not use the same ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths as those found in sunlight (UVA/UCB), which are known to damage the DNA in cells and cause skin cancer. Laser hair treatments also don’t use ionizing radiation, which means your cells are left intact. There is absolutely no cancer risk as a result of laser hair removal treatment.