Get Hearing Aids in Etobicoke

90% of Hearing Loss is Treatable
hearing aid repair
Understanding the Importance of Hearing Health

Visit Our Hearing Aid Clinic in Etobicoke

Hearing is the most essential of the five senses that help us function on a day-to-day basis. Our hearing is conducive to alerting us to potential hazards, enabling us to learn and work, and letting us connect with the ones we love. Maintaining hearing health is vital to enjoying some of the everyday pleasures in life, and our hearing aid clinic in Etobicoke is here to help you preserve your hearing abilities. At Toronto Family Hearing, we will offer you guidance and advice on your hearing health, conduct comprehensive tests, schedule you into trial hearing aids, offer you hearing aid repair and will also provide a selection of assistive listening devices and custom ear plugs!

Visit Toronto Family Hearing

Improved Quality
of Life

Because hearing health is relative to an improved quality of life, preserving your hearing is imperative. By visiting our clinic, you’ll be able to get astute advice and sound solutions to any hearing-related ailments or conditions you have to better your overall health.

Hearing aid trial

Customized For Your Lifestyle

When you come to our hearing aid clinic in Etobicoke, we will factor in your needs and tailor our recommendations and hearing health solutions to your lifestyle and hearing needs.

Toronto hearing

Protect & Prevent Future Hearing Loss

Safeguarding your hearing abilities and preventing hearing loss is crucial. Wear ear plugs to reduce exposure to loud noises and come to our clinic to receive hearing tests for effective maintenance of your hearing health!

Take Your Hearing Aids For a Spin

Ask our audiologists for more information about our two-week trial period for hearing aids.

Choosing the Right Hearing Aids

Choosing the right hearing aids in Etobicoke can be an easy process when you come to our hearing clinic. On the same day of your hearing test at Toronto Family Hearing, you can start to trial hearing aids to find a style and design that will best suit you, and our audiologists can help guide you when needed. 

hearing test toronto
Woman with her hands touching ear

When Was Your Last Hearing Test?

Taking proactive measures to conserve your hearing health is important. Such measures can be taken by getting your hearing routinely tested at Toronto Family Hearing. When you begin to notice you’re struggling to hear people, misunderstanding words, or find yourself increasing the volume on the television, you should get your hearing tested sooner rather than later.

Hearing Aid Repairs

At Toronto Family Hearing, we provide a comprehensive hearing aid repair. When something goes awry with your hearing aids, our resourceful audiologists will make the proper modifications, battery changes, and cleaning assistance to fix them. No matter the brand or manufacturer of your hearing aids, our knowledgeable staff will give you personalized repairs to ensure they are in working condition once more.

Hearing test and buying hearing aid
hearing test toronto

Get the Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

When you visit Toronto Family Hearing for a hearing test and hearing aid trial fitting, we will give you two weeks to test out hearing aids to determine if they work for you. To make the most out of this trial, wear your hearing aids as much as possible and make a note of situations where you have trouble hearing.

We’re Happy to Answer All Your Questions About Hearing Aids

This can be a decision that is mostly dependent on the results of your hearing test and discussion with the audiologists afterward. You can discuss details of your lifestyle and needs, and we’ll factor this information into what specific hearing aids will work for you. 

We advise that you receive a hearing test at least every three to five years. Of course, you should schedule a hearing test before this much time has passed if you begin to notice that your hearing abilities have gradually or abruptly shifted. 

The hearing tests we conduct at Toronto Family Hearing can span anywhere from 45 to 75 minutes.