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What does root canal therapy do?

By Aldergrove Dental Clinic

What does root canal therapy do?


When it comes to preserving a damaged tooth, root canal therapy stands as a crucial dental procedure. If you're in West Edmonton and searching for a dentist near you, understanding the significance of root canal therapy can alleviate any concerns you might have. Let's delve into what root canal therapy does and why it's essential for maintaining your oral health.

Root canal therapy, often referred to simply as a "root canal," is a dental procedure aimed at treating and saving a severely infected or damaged tooth. This procedure becomes necessary when the pulp – the innermost part of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue – becomes inflamed or infected due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma.

During a root canal procedure, a skilled dentist in West Edmonton will carefully remove the infected or damaged pulp, clean and disinfect the inner chambers of the tooth, and then seal it with a specialized material. This process effectively eliminates the source of infection and prevents further spread, allowing the tooth to be preserved rather than extracted.

Root canal therapy serves several essential purposes:

Pain Relief: Infected dental pulp can cause excruciating pain. Root canal therapy not only eliminates this pain but also prevents future discomfort.

Preserving Natural Teeth: Saving your natural teeth is always the preferred option. A successful root canal can extend the life of a tooth for many years.

Preventing Infection Spread: Infected dental pulp can lead to abscesses and infection that may spread to other parts of the body. Root canal therapy prevents such complications.

Maintaining Functionality: Preserving your natural teeth helps maintain proper chewing function and prevents adjacent teeth from shifting.

Aesthetics: Avoiding tooth extraction and replacement with artificial teeth helps maintain your smile's natural appearance.

If you're searching for a dentist near you in West Edmonton, it's important to choose a reliable and experienced professional who can perform root canal therapy effectively. Regular dental check-ups and prompt treatment of dental issues can help you avoid the need for extensive procedures like root canals.

In conclusion, root canal therapy is a vital dental procedure that aims to salvage damaged teeth, relieve pain, and prevent the spread of infection. If you're facing tooth pain or discomfort, consulting a skilled dentist in West Edmonton is the first step towards understanding your options and ensuring your oral health remains in good hands.

About This Author

Aldergrove Dental Clinic

Aldergrove Dental Clinic

Aldergrove Dental Clinic is a full-service dental practice located in West Edmonton. We offer comprehensive dental care services, including child dentistry, Dentures, teeth whitening, emergency dental services and many more. Our team of highly skilled and experienced dentist in West Edmonton are com…

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