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Global Coupon - Digital Brand Mktg/Advertising Platform

3998 Granville St., Vancouver, British Columbia, V6H 3L2, Canada

Global Coupon - Digital Brand Mktg/Advertising Platform
About Global Coupon - Digital Brand Mktg/Advertising Platform

Established January 2013

Global Coupon is a leading edge, innovative, scalable, web based to mobile, Global Digital Brand Marketing and Advertising platform. A fully integrated business model providing businesses, agencies, media buying groups, ad networks, and ad exchanges a powerful and efficient brand presence, brand affinity, recognition, loyalty, purchase intent, and sales conversion channel to drive B2C and B2B profitable sales. Global Coupon aims to facilitate mass consumer and business cost savings, connectivity, and long term brand resonance throughout the customer buying decision journey. We aim to enable control of sustainable, responsible gross profit margins to companies, while preserving their brand equity and value.

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